Wednesday 22 October, 2008

all the world's a stage

sometimes the world seems like such a cruel place to live in. people committing mindless petty acts of bitchiness for no rhyme or reason, or maybe just cheap thrills. of course one wants to say one is completely innocent of all such acts and the bewildered victim, but obviously the thing that hurts the most is that one finds these flaws within oneself too. it is easy to forget what the world does, but v hard to forgive and forget oneself. they say women over-analyze every detail of what happens in their lives. i wish we weren't built that way. really, i wish we had some control over what we could be, like going to a computer store and selecting harmonious components to build a good system. right now it seems everything is being bunged in just hotch-potch, reaching out for the first thing on the shelf, so that we're ending up with completely unbalanced people without any emotional stability (i.e. me). i don't think sitting at home agrees with me. too much time. i need to be overworked to be happy. sigh, always wanting what is not...

1 comment:

Ana Maria said...

I so understand you!!! I managed to get over this with a bit of yoga, almost daily chats with mom and a good friend over here. I know it's different - speaking the language (or not) makes a huge impact on your level of frustration (Hyderabad was the challenge for me! ) How are you doing in that department?