Wednesday, 29 April 2009

I’m a stay-at-home non-mom

it’s tough to stay at home in india. all the time that i was in oslo, i knew there was no other option, so i bided my time and had fun too. but now i’m in the waiting mode, waiting for the phone to ring with an interview call, waiting to get back in the game, and that’s tough. recession sucks! and long break sucks! and daytime tv sucks! and i can’t even justify staying at home by saying it’s for the children, because i have none! :)


@thinkingzombie said...

then get some .. :P
btw.. recession do suck..
good luck and hope ur search ends soon.

Aquatic Static said...

Waiting is THE worst thing to do...I should know, been at it for so long now. But as they say - that which does not kill you only makes you stronger :)