Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Mac Vs PC

as is evident, i waited a long time to buy this laptop, and one of the biggest uncertainties was whether to go the Mac or the Windows way. there were so many arguments pro and against each. and frankly, until u’ve tried a mac, how do u even know what u might be missing? i was sorely tempted for a long time to spend the extra bucks. but as time passed, and i got the chance to try my hand at a few mac notebooks, i realized how much easier it is to stick with what u’ve spent ten years getting to know and perfect. windows might be irritating sometimes but it is familiar and i know how to fix stuff and where to find stuff and generally to be able to accomplish all the major tasks i need my laptop to perform. buying a mac would have taken me back to the bottom of the learning curve. i’m not sure if i’m ready for that and whether the gains will indeed be worth it. be that as it may, i decided to shelve the issue till some benevolent employer decides to gift me a mac, and went for a windows laptop myself. and with the latest windows software, i must say there are many pleasant surprises and complete user satisfaction.

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