Sunday, 16 November 2008

gay and proud!

my entire world is buzzing with proposition 8 right now - indignant people (gay and straight) speaking out against this huge step backward. in a world where more and more countries are considering legalizing homosexuality, here is arguably one of the most developed states in one of the most developed countries of the world agreeing to make it illegal. it's such a pity. coming from a developing nation like mine, i hear all the time about my retrogressive and orthodox society. so i look towards the west to lead the way forward, towards a more liberal and intelligent world, and i hope that some day my country will adopt those standards as well. and then when the west takes a step like this, it doesn't just let down the homosexual community of their country, it lets down the whole world. this is just as bad as re-electing bush, people!!! some day you're gonna regret it, but how're you gonna make up for the decades of frustration you put people through???
some people believe homosexuality is a sham, that you choose to be gay. it's not really true. scientists have discovered actual genes in your system that can determine your sexual orientation! homosexuality has been around since recorded history, and who knows what happened before that? given the amount of grief people go through just because of their homosexual orientation, don't you think they would give it up if they could??? we have to learn to accept that it's as natural as heterosexuality!
it's all about love, man! you can't help who you fall in love with. and you sure as hell shouldn't try and restrict it just cos it ain't like yours. if two people are in love, they've got just as much right to spend their lives together as anybody else, and ain't nobody gonna tell them different.
i'm pro-choice, and proud of it!

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