Friday, 15 February 2008

valentina speaks

who was saint valentine??? i don't know, and it doesn't really matter - thank god for him!!! such a lovely excuse for presents and pampering and romantic candlelit dinners! :) my cup spilleth...

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

cold, cold heart

it's a grey world - snow on the ground, clouds in the sky.

has the earth stopped revolving around the sun?

Saturday, 2 February 2008

सब जग सोए, हम जागें,
तारों से करें बातें...

Friday, 1 February 2008

aliens from another planet

some people you meet really seem to be from another planet. it's impossible to understand what motivates them to act as they do. especially when they act maliciously or rudely without any perceptible provocation. perhaps they have secret sorrows or simply bad upbringing that makes them incapable of predictable social responses. and then, not everyone is alike. but in our quiet regulated worlds where most people act with acceptable social manners, it's hard to know how to cope with those few who are... different.
i've recently had to cope with a person whom i completely fail to understand! she is rude without provocation, takes malicious delight in troubling me and denying me by devious routes whatever it is i want, and yet i find it hard to dislike her! you see, i have a theory - i believe you can judge people by the company they keep. i'm still testing it out, but it seems to be true. and the strange thing is - this hateful, rude, spiteful, masterful woman has really nice friends! people who are witty, funny, sweet and easy to talk to. so according to my theory, there has to be some side to this woman that is likeable, different from the side she consistently shows to me. recently i had the opportunity to watch her interact with one of her closest friends, and i was amazed by the change i saw in her! she was funny, flirty, amusing... charming!!!!!! it was most disturbing hehe. so is my theory wrong, or is there more to her than meets the eye, or is there more to the people around her than meets the eye? it's difficult to understand her tantrums, her paranoia, her persecution complexes - to see her at one moment almost desperately reaching out for friendship and at another violating your trust by repudiating your friendly overtures in the most rude and violent fashion! what IS it with her???????